Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Dear Guitar Hero: Vernon Reid

His band was discovered by Mick Jagger, he wrote one of the biggest

rock songs in history, and he even founded the Black Rock Coalition.
But what Guitar World readers really want to know is…

What led to the writing and recording of “Cult of Personality,” and how do you feel about the fact that the song continues to be a radio staple and is a big part of the Guitar Hero video game franchise? —Moko Nishihara

The writing of “Cult of Personality” was one of the very best days in the life of Living Colour. That might seem obvious, but what I mean to say is, we started the day without “Cult of Personality,” and when that one session was over, we had the song. That day, we didn’t get in our own way. It was a really special day.

I had met the Guitar Hero guys very early on at a NAMM show, and barely anyone was paying attention to them. They showed me how the controller worked. I tried it, I sucked. But I thought, Wow, this is interesting. The next thing you know, Guitar Hero blew up. By the time Guitar Hero III came around, they told me they wanted to include “Cult.” I’m just proud that we are on the same edition of Guitar Hero as the Sex Pistols.

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