Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Dragon Force

DragonForce - Ultra Beatdown (2008) 


 Géner: Power Metal/Speed Metal 

Thn: 2008

Negara: Inglaterra (U.K.)
01. Heroes of Our Time
02. The Fire Still Burns
03. Reasons to Live
04. A Flame for Freedom
05. Heartbreak Armageddon
06. The Last Journey Home
07. Inside the Winter Storm
08. The Warrior Inside

 DragonForce - Inhuman Rampage (2006)

Géner: Extreme Power Metal

year: 2006
Country: Inglaterra

01. Through the Fire and Flames
02. Revolution Deathsquad
03. Storming the Burning Fields
04. Operation Ground and Pound
05. Body Breakdown
06. Cry for Eternity
07. The Flame of Youth
08. Trail of Broken Hearts
09. Lost Souls in Endless Time

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