Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Mogwai's drummer, Martin Bulloch, is in the hospital.

He's battling an ongoing heart condition.

Learn more here.

We wish him a speedy recovery.

The band recently debuted clip #2 for 'Batcat'.

Visit Mogwai on MySpace.

MP3: Mogwai - Cody (Live)

Band Metal Indonesia

  1. 2nCuk
  2. Ababil
  3. Abhorred Despiser
  4. Abolish Conception
  5. Abrogate
  6. Absolute Defiance
  7. Anal Torture
  8. Antraks
  9. Aphroudist
  10. Aphroxiated
  11. Asphyxiate
  12. Aaarghhh
  13. Babi Liar
  14. Barbarash
  15. Blast Torment
  16. Bleeding Corpse
  17. Bloodgust
  18. Bloodstain
  19. Brain Ass
  20. Brutallizer
  21. Carnivored
  22. Calamity
  23. Castigation
  24. Cemetery
  25. Coprophilic Cryptic
  26. Cranial
  27. Cranium
  28. Crudity
  29. Cuntopsy
  30. Damnation
  31. Damage Project
  32. DeadSquad
  33. Death Couple
  34. Death Harmonic
  35. Death Vomit
  36. Decomposed
  37. Decrypted
  38. Delirium Tremens
  39. Desecration
  40. Destroy
  41. Detriment
  42. Devour The Damned
  43. Devoured
  44. Digging Up
  45. Disincarnation
  46. Dirty Infamous
  47. Disinfected
  48. Distrust
  49. Dispossed
  50. Drop
  51. Dysmorphicated
  52. Epidemic Of Hate
  53. Eruption
  54. Eternal Madness
  55. Faith Must Pain
  56. Funeral Inception
  57. Gelgamesh
  58. Grind Buto
  59. Golgotha
  60. Godzilla
  61. Goretus
  62. Gore Flesh
  63. Grausig
  64. Hateful Disease
  65. Impious
  66. Imprecatory
  67. Impurity
  68. Infamy
  69. Infernal Desire
  70. Infected Tendence
  71. Injected Sufferage
  72. Injury Deepen
  73. Invader
  74. Jasad
  75. Jihad
  76. Katarak
  77. Killharmonic
  78. Konfigurasi
  79. Maia
  80. Mobilizer
  81. Mannequin
  82. Misantrophic
  83. Morbid Dust
  84. Morbifik
  85. Mortir
  86. Motor Death
  87. Musakat
  88. Necrogrind
  89. Naked Truth
  90. Opium
  91. Over Death
  92. Panic Disorder
  93. Perfect Maggots
  94. Pleural Effusion
  95. Prosatanica
  96. Putrefaction
  97. Qishash
  98. Revenge
  99. Rever
  100. Rotten Death
  101. Rotten Corpse
  102. Rotten Gore
  103. Sacred Flesh
  104. Sadistis
  105. Septicemia
  106. Sickmath
  107. Siksa Kubur
  108. Torture
  109. Total Anal Infection
  110. Total Rusak
  111. Trauma
  112. Tripple Six
  113. Venomed
  114. Vomit Larynx
  115. Zorboothus

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Their set included:

The Lowest Part Is Free
Someone To Keep Us Warm
On Our Way Home
Black Hole

Download each & every track here.

Last week, The Silent Years shared a new video.

MP3: The Silent Years - No Secrets

Their first entry begins like this: *I'm always conflicted before a long tour. While most of me is overjoyed at the prospect of trundling across America with my three closest friends, playing music nightly, and clogging our arteries with all manner of regional grease, there's that other part that hyperventilates over the loose ends and responsibilities I'm leaving behind...* Read the rest here. MP3 at bottom.

Visit Birdmonster on MySpace.

MP3: Birdmonster - Live On WOXY

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Yesterday's set included:

"Ain't No Cover"
"On The Radio"
"Man Of 1,000 Faces"
"Ghost Of Corporate Future"
"Summer In The City"
"Real Love"

Enjoy the full playback at NPR.

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